Panasonic LUMIX

GH5 and GH5S

Learn how to properly care for the camera and its peripherals.

The Panasonic LUMIX GH5 and GH5S kits comes with:

  • Panasonic LUMIX GH5 or GH5S Camera
  • Three DMW-BLF 19 batteries
  • DMW-BLF 19 battery USB-C charger

You can add the following optional, a-la-carte items:

  • Rokinon Prime MFT lenses (Max: 3)
  • One Lumix 12-35mm f2.8 Zoom MFT Lens (Max: 1)
  • Atomos Shinobi Field Video HDMI Monitor
  • HDMI Jumper Cable
  • Variable Neutral Density Filter (77mm diameter)
  • Moment Cinebloom Filter (77mm diameter)
  • A v-mount battery for field USB charging
  • Manfrotto Tripod​

About the Panasonic LUMIX GH5 and GH5s.

Our camera has been modified with a camera cage to better meet the needs of our filmmaking students, but we’ll get to that later.

The camera is housed in an orange Pelican case.

Inside the case, you’ll find the Panasonic LUMIX GH5 or GH5S camera, three batteries and a battery charger. These are the things that come standard with the case.

You may add up to four a-la-carte lenses, a field monitor, HDMI jumper cable, diffusion filter, a variable ND filter, a v-mount battery and a tripod.

The camera kit must always be returned to us in this manner. Items should be in their respective place at the time of your return.

Let’s first focus on the camera body.

You can see, the rig is laying screen side down in this compartment.

Next, is the Atomos Shinobi monitor.

Notice how the monitor is top down, with the cold shoe mount facing up.

Refer to the laminated card inside the case to know where each item goes.

Now that you know what comes with the camera kit, we must remind you – to avoid suspension, all items must be returned to us in the same condition and location that you received it.

We recommend that you take a photo of how each item is packed before you use them.

Now, let’s talk more about the physical nature of the camera.

The camera has been modified with a camera cage so students may attach a field monitor to the camera, to better protect it, and to offer a top handle for easier handling. The cage and top handle may never be removed from the camera.

Be sure to never expose the sensor to direct sunlight, your breath, dust, cleaning cloths or extreme temperatures. Minimize open air exposure to 10 seconds or less.